Paediatrics & Neonatology
Neonatology is a branch of medicine focussed on diagnosis and treatment of conditions that may affect newborns such as respiratory disorders, congenital conditions, infections or deficiencies present at birth.
Immunisation services
Well baby clinics
Child-friendly outpatient and inpatient services
Adolescent care
Meet Our Consultant's

Dr. ArvindkumarMBBS, DNB
Session : Morning

Dr.T.ArunkumarMBBS, MD
Session : Morning
Paediatric problems
treated in the Department
How many times have we as parents soothed a child with a sniffling nose or aching head? Common cold is one of the most frequently seen illnesses in children.
This is usually not a dangerous condition and even though there is no cure for this illness, it can be controlled through home remedies and cold medications that are easily available.
Symptoms include blocked and runny nose, fever, headaches and body pain.
This condition is caused by the Coxsackie virus and is characterised by blisters in the mouth, hand and soles of the feet.
The condition usually resolves on its own in one-two weeks.
Children are more susceptible to influenza, more commonly called the flu that is caused by the influenza virus.
The condition is characterised by moderate to high grade fever, cough, sore throat, shivering and body pain.
Ear infections are very common in India and typically occur among children under the age of three years.
However even older children and adults are at risk of catching an ear infection, which can be caused by bacteria or virus. Some of the common symptoms of ear infection are ear pain and fever. Small children may be cranky and irritable if they have an ear infection.
Conjunctivitis is an eye infection common in childhood that can be caused by a virus or bacteria.
It is characterised by redness, itchy feeling in the eye, watering or discharge and swelling. It can affect one or both eyes simultaneously.
In this condition, the airways of the lungs get inflamed causing blockage and producing mucus in the lungs.
If your child is complaining of tightness in the chest region, sore throat, headache, coughing/wheezing, it could be bronchitis. The condition can occur because if a viral infection or because of an allergic reaction to certain substances.
This is an illness caused by certain pathogens that are transmitted through food and water, and can affect both children and adults.
It is easily treated with medications but if left untreated can be life-threatening.
Common signs of gastroenteritis include diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and severe abdominal pain.
Strep throat is an infection seen in children that results in swelling of the tonsils, sore throat and fever.
It is caused by a bacteria streptococcus pyogenes.

Signs that indicate you
should see a Paediatrician
Your child has to be administered vaccines on a regular basis
Baby has continuous diarrhoea or
Infant needs to be evaluated for development milestone
Baby has accidentally swallowed some object
or ingested a harmful substance
Child has high temperature and chills or severe headache
Your child seems to have an ear or eye
Signs that indicate you
should see a Paediatrician
Infant needs to be evaluated for development milestones
Your child has to be administered vaccines on a regular basis
Child has high temperature and chills or severe headache
Baby has continuous diarrhoea or vomiting.
Baby has accidentally swallowed some object or ingested a harmful substance.
Your child seems to have an ear or eye infection

Our Special
Sometimes, more elaborate tests may be needed.
The paediatric and neonatology department at Hindu Mission Hospital has experienced senior paediatricians, neonatologists and well-trained support staff, who are adept at putting children at ease and making an accurate diagnosis.
The department is child-friendly and warm, with all latest diagnostic services and treatment facilities.
Most childhood illnesses can be treated with simple remedies, medications and therapy.
Serious infections can be avoided by timely immunisations and through good hygiene and food habits.
Congenital disorders may need more long term therapy and consultations with specialists, and sometimes require corrective procedures.
Hindu Mission Hospital provides expert clinical care customised for your child and well-researched therapy for serious disorders.

Paediatrics & Neonatology
Be it birth disorders, breathing problems in a newborn, immunisations, hurting stomachs, common cold or behavioural difficulties, parents usually look towards a child specialist for guidance.
The Paediatrics and Neonatology department caters to a wide range of needs of an infant and a growing baby – focussing on both well babies and sick children
Neonatology is a branch of medicine focussed on diagnosis and treatment of conditions that may affect newborns such as respiratory disorders, congenital conditions, infections or deficiencies present at birth.
A neonatologist’s role in medical care of an infant is significant, especially in the care of babies born premature (before 32 weeks of gestation and weighing less than 1.5 kg).
They also diagnose more serious conditions such as blood disorders, heart defects, encephalopathy, metabolism disorders, muscle problems and other birth anomalies.
As the child grows, a paediatrician will provide medical care to the little one and give vital advice to parents to ensure the child is in good health.
Paediatrics deals with a wide variety of medical conditions that affect children, while also providing assistance for vaccinations and tracking development milestones.